I'm a passionate geek, who loves software and technology. I like to dive deep, understand existing tools/APIs, data flows, customer use cases and issues to develop end-to-end solutions that will help the customer succeed.
I have an engineer's mind, a developer's background, and 16 years of experience juggling multiple hats in startup and advance development group environments as both a senior manager and hands on contributor. I recently returned from a six year, round the world, sailing adventure where my focus shifted from developer to consumer. I saw my friends struggle with technology and cringed as management of their website/blogs and photo updates became a chore instead of something fun to do. I couldn't help myself, so hacked together various APIs and RSS/JSON feeds to develop an integrated Blog/Photo/Mapping solution for our sailing blog.
The gap between technologists and main stream users has widened while I was gone and I would like to help close that gap. It kills me that the thing that brings so much joy to my life (and occasional frustration) is so misunderstood and underutilized by others. After my return I targeted my exploration at the large gap that exists between technologists and "mainstream users" with respect to social media tools, APIs and methods. I've been engineering various solutions to help companies engage online that are targeted to their unique situation of products and customers. I understand the benefits of social media because I have experienced them (See World Traveling Sailors: The Most Bizarre Social Media Example?).
I enjoy the challenge of solving complicated problems: from developing software to integrate the electrical and mechanical design functions across Ford, their suppliers and manufacturing facilities which resulted in the world's first electro/mechanical design synthesis tools, to designing complex algorithms that model next generation device/processors for Intel used to analyze prototype designs for signal integrity, ground bounce and EMI effects, to planning an independent self-funded 6 year round-the-world sailing trip including the tools to communicate and share the experience. The latest challenge has been evaluating all the social media tools and flows to help clients and friends/family deal with the ever changing mess we seem to be creating for ourselves by attempting to become "more efficient".
I'm a self-motivated, enthusiastic and customer oriented product manager/design engineer who thrives in a fast-paced environment that encourages creativity and use of problem solving, design analysis, and interpersonal skills. I enjoy helping people and businesses solve the puzzles in their endless struggle to keep up with changes in technology.
If it doesn't exist, I'll build it .. If it exists, I'll try to make it better, easier, more accessible and useful to a broader customer base.
Are your hiring or looking for a great teammate? My Resume, a little more about me (other posts) and my LinkedIn profile are available online.
Feel free to contact me with questions, comments or ?. If you are in the Massachusetts area and want to connect, check out my tungle.me and plancast pages. My google profile contains all my webosphere links but I'm much more fun to meet in person because passion doesn't always translate online.